United States of America (us)


USA-specific Form helpers.

class localflavor.us.forms.USPSSelect(attrs=None)[source]

A Select widget that uses a list of US Postal Service codes as its choices.


If you are looking for a form field that validates U.S. ZIP codes please use USZipCodeField.

class localflavor.us.forms.USSocialSecurityNumberField(*, max_length=None, min_length=None, strip=True, empty_value='', **kwargs)[source]

A United States Social Security number.

Checks the following rules to determine whether the number is valid:

  • Conforms to the XXX-XX-XXXX format.
  • No group consists entirely of zeroes.
  • The leading group is not “666” (block “666” will never be allocated).
  • The number is not in the promotional block 987-65-4320 through 987-65-4329, which are permanently invalid.
  • The number is not one known to be invalid due to otherwise widespread promotional use or distribution (e.g., the Woolworth’s number or the 1962 promotional number).

New in version 1.1.


Validate the given value and return its “cleaned” value as an appropriate Python object. Raise ValidationError for any errors.

class localflavor.us.forms.USStateField(*, max_length=None, min_length=None, strip=True, empty_value='', **kwargs)[source]

A form field that validates its input is a U.S. state, territory, or COFA territory. The input is validated against a dictionary which includes names and abbreviations.

It normalizes the input to the standard two-letter postal service abbreviation for the given state.


Validate the given value and return its “cleaned” value as an appropriate Python object. Raise ValidationError for any errors.

class localflavor.us.forms.USStateSelect(attrs=None)[source]

A Select widget that uses a list of U.S. states/territories as its choices.

class localflavor.us.forms.USZipCodeField(**kwargs)[source]

A form field that validates input as a U.S. ZIP code.

Valid formats are XXXXX or XXXXX-XXXX.


If you are looking for a form field with a list of U.S. Postal Service locations please use USPSSelect.

New in version 1.1.

Whitespace around the ZIP code is accepted and automatically trimmed.


Return a string.


class localflavor.us.models.USPostalCodeField(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A model field that stores the two-letter U.S. Postal Service abbreviation in the database.

Forms represent it as a USPSSelect` field.


If you are looking for a model field that validates U.S. ZIP codes please use USZipCodeField.


Return enough information to recreate the field as a 4-tuple:

  • The name of the field on the model, if contribute_to_class() has been run.
  • The import path of the field, including the class:e.g. django.db.models.IntegerField This should be the most portable version, so less specific may be better.
  • A list of positional arguments.
  • A dict of keyword arguments.

Note that the positional or keyword arguments must contain values of the following types (including inner values of collection types):

  • None, bool, str, int, float, complex, set, frozenset, list, tuple, dict
  • UUID
  • datetime.datetime (naive), datetime.date
  • top-level classes, top-level functions - will be referenced by their full import path
  • Storage instances - these have their own deconstruct() method

This is because the values here must be serialized into a text format (possibly new Python code, possibly JSON) and these are the only types with encoding handlers defined.

There’s no need to return the exact way the field was instantiated this time, just ensure that the resulting field is the same - prefer keyword arguments over positional ones, and omit parameters with their default values.

class localflavor.us.models.USSocialSecurityNumberField(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A model field that stores the security number in the format XXX-XX-XXXX.

Forms represent it as forms.USSocialSecurityNumberField field.

New in version 1.1.


Return a django.forms.Field instance for this field.

class localflavor.us.models.USStateField(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A model field that stores the two-letter U.S. state abbreviation in the database.

Forms represent it as a forms.USStateField field.


Return enough information to recreate the field as a 4-tuple:

  • The name of the field on the model, if contribute_to_class() has been run.
  • The import path of the field, including the class:e.g. django.db.models.IntegerField This should be the most portable version, so less specific may be better.
  • A list of positional arguments.
  • A dict of keyword arguments.

Note that the positional or keyword arguments must contain values of the following types (including inner values of collection types):

  • None, bool, str, int, float, complex, set, frozenset, list, tuple, dict
  • UUID
  • datetime.datetime (naive), datetime.date
  • top-level classes, top-level functions - will be referenced by their full import path
  • Storage instances - these have their own deconstruct() method

This is because the values here must be serialized into a text format (possibly new Python code, possibly JSON) and these are the only types with encoding handlers defined.

There’s no need to return the exact way the field was instantiated this time, just ensure that the resulting field is the same - prefer keyword arguments over positional ones, and omit parameters with their default values.

class localflavor.us.models.USZipCodeField(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A model field that stores the U.S. ZIP code in the database.

Forms represent it as a USZipCodeField field.


If you are looking for a model field with a list of U.S. Postal Service locations please use USPostalCodeField.

New in version 1.1.


Return a django.forms.Field instance for this field.


localflavor.us.us_states.CONTIGUOUS_STATES = (('AL', 'Alabama'), ('AZ', 'Arizona'), ('AR', 'Arkansas'), ('CA', 'California'), ('CO', 'Colorado'), ('CT', 'Connecticut'), ('DE', 'Delaware'), ('DC', 'District of Columbia'), ('FL', 'Florida'), ('GA', 'Georgia'), ('ID', 'Idaho'), ('IL', 'Illinois'), ('IN', 'Indiana'), ('IA', 'Iowa'), ('KS', 'Kansas'), ('KY', 'Kentucky'), ('LA', 'Louisiana'), ('ME', 'Maine'), ('MD', 'Maryland'), ('MA', 'Massachusetts'), ('MI', 'Michigan'), ('MN', 'Minnesota'), ('MS', 'Mississippi'), ('MO', 'Missouri'), ('MT', 'Montana'), ('NE', 'Nebraska'), ('NV', 'Nevada'), ('NH', 'New Hampshire'), ('NJ', 'New Jersey'), ('NM', 'New Mexico'), ('NY', 'New York'), ('NC', 'North Carolina'), ('ND', 'North Dakota'), ('OH', 'Ohio'), ('OK', 'Oklahoma'), ('OR', 'Oregon'), ('PA', 'Pennsylvania'), ('RI', 'Rhode Island'), ('SC', 'South Carolina'), ('SD', 'South Dakota'), ('TN', 'Tennessee'), ('TX', 'Texas'), ('UT', 'Utah'), ('VT', 'Vermont'), ('VA', 'Virginia'), ('WA', 'Washington'), ('WV', 'West Virginia'), ('WI', 'Wisconsin'), ('WY', 'Wyoming'))

The 48 contiguous states, plus the District of Columbia.

localflavor.us.us_states.NON_CONTIGUOUS_STATES = (('AK', 'Alaska'), ('HI', 'Hawaii'))

Non contiguous states (Not connected to mainland USA)

localflavor.us.us_states.US_TERRITORIES = (('AS', 'American Samoa'), ('GU', 'Guam'), ('MP', 'Northern Mariana Islands'), ('PR', 'Puerto Rico'), ('VI', 'Virgin Islands'))

Non-state territories.

localflavor.us.us_states.ARMED_FORCES_STATES = (('AA', 'Armed Forces Americas'), ('AE', 'Armed Forces Europe'), ('AP', 'Armed Forces Pacific'))

Military postal “states”. Note that ‘AE’ actually encompasses Europe, Canada, Africa and the Middle East.

localflavor.us.us_states.COFA_STATES = (('FM', 'Federated States of Micronesia'), ('MH', 'Marshall Islands'), ('PW', 'Palau'))

Non-US locations serviced by USPS (under Compact of Free Association).

localflavor.us.us_states.OBSOLETE_STATES = (('CM', 'Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands'), ('CZ', 'Panama Canal Zone'), ('PI', 'Philippine Islands'), ('TT', 'Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands'))

Obsolete abbreviations (no longer US territories/USPS service, or code changed).


All US states.

This tuple is lazily generated and may not work as expected in all cases due to tuple optimizations in the Python interpreter which do not account for lazily generated tuples. For example:

US_STATES + ('XX', _('Select a State'))

should work as expected, but:

('XX', _('Select a State')) + US_STATES

may throw:

TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "proxy") to tuple

due to a Python optimization that causes the concatenation to occur before US_STATES has been lazily generated. To work around these issues, you can use a slice index ([:]) to force the generation of US_STATES before any other operations are processed by the Python interpreter:

('XX', _('Select a State')) + US_STATES[:]

All US states and territories plus DC and military mail.

This tuple is lazily generated and may not work as expected in all cases due to tuple optimizations in the Python interpreter which do not account for lazily generated tuples. For example:

STATE_CHOICES + ('XX', _('Select a State'))

should work as expected, but:

('XX', _('Select a State')) + STATE_CHOICES

may throw:

TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "proxy") to tuple

due to a Python optimization that causes the concatenation to occur before STATE_CHOICES has been lazily generated. To work around these issues, you can use a slice index ([:]) to force the generation of STATE_CHOICES before any other operations are processed by the Python interpreter:

('XX', _('Select a State')) + STATE_CHOICES[:]

All US Postal Service locations.

This tuple is lazily generated and may not work as expected in all cases due to tuple optimizations in the Python interpreter which do not account for lazily generated tuples. For example:

USPS_CHOICES + ('XX', _('Select a State'))

should work as expected, but:

('XX', _('Select a State')) + USPS_CHOICES

may throw:

TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "proxy") to tuple

due to a Python optimization that causes the concatenation to occur before USPS_CHOICES has been lazily generated. To work around these issues, you can use a slice index ([:]) to force the generation of USPS_CHOICES before any other operations are processed by the Python interpreter:

('XX', _('Select a State')) + USPS_CHOICES[:]
localflavor.us.us_states.STATES_NORMALIZED = {'aa': 'AA', 'ae': 'AE', 'ak': 'AK', 'al': 'AL', 'ala': 'AL', 'alabama': 'AL', 'alaska': 'AK', 'american samao': 'AS', 'american samoa': 'AS', 'ap': 'AP', 'ar': 'AR', 'ariz': 'AZ', 'arizona': 'AZ', 'ark': 'AR', 'arkansas': 'AR', 'as': 'AS', 'az': 'AZ', 'ca': 'CA', 'calf': 'CA', 'calif': 'CA', 'california': 'CA', 'co': 'CO', 'colo': 'CO', 'colorado': 'CO', 'conn': 'CT', 'connecticut': 'CT', 'ct': 'CT', 'dc': 'DC', 'de': 'DE', 'del': 'DE', 'delaware': 'DE', 'deleware': 'DE', 'district of columbia': 'DC', 'federated states of micronesia': 'FM', 'fl': 'FL', 'fla': 'FL', 'florida': 'FL', 'fm': 'FM', 'fsm': 'FM', 'ga': 'GA', 'georgia': 'GA', 'gu': 'GU', 'guam': 'GU', 'hawaii': 'HI', 'hi': 'HI', 'ia': 'IA', 'id': 'ID', 'idaho': 'ID', 'il': 'IL', 'ill': 'IL', 'illinois': 'IL', 'in': 'IN', 'ind': 'IN', 'indiana': 'IN', 'iowa': 'IA', 'kan': 'KS', 'kans': 'KS', 'kansas': 'KS', 'kentucky': 'KY', 'ks': 'KS', 'ky': 'KY', 'la': 'LA', 'louisiana': 'LA', 'ma': 'MA', 'maine': 'ME', 'marianas islands': 'MP', 'marianas islands of the pacific': 'MP', 'marinas islands of the pacific': 'MP', 'marshall islands': 'MH', 'maryland': 'MD', 'mass': 'MA', 'massachusetts': 'MA', 'massachussetts': 'MA', 'md': 'MD', 'me': 'ME', 'mh': 'MH', 'mi': 'MI', 'mich': 'MI', 'michigan': 'MI', 'micronesia': 'FM', 'minn': 'MN', 'minnesota': 'MN', 'miss': 'MS', 'mississippi': 'MS', 'missouri': 'MO', 'mn': 'MN', 'mo': 'MO', 'mont': 'MT', 'montana': 'MT', 'mp': 'MP', 'ms': 'MS', 'mt': 'MT', 'n d': 'ND', 'n dak': 'ND', 'n h': 'NH', 'n j': 'NJ', 'n m': 'NM', 'n mex': 'NM', 'nc': 'NC', 'nd': 'ND', 'ne': 'NE', 'neb': 'NE', 'nebr': 'NE', 'nebraska': 'NE', 'nev': 'NV', 'nevada': 'NV', 'new hampshire': 'NH', 'new jersey': 'NJ', 'new mexico': 'NM', 'new york': 'NY', 'nh': 'NH', 'nj': 'NJ', 'nm': 'NM', 'nmex': 'NM', 'north carolina': 'NC', 'north dakota': 'ND', 'northern mariana islands': 'MP', 'nv': 'NV', 'ny': 'NY', 'oh': 'OH', 'ohio': 'OH', 'ok': 'OK', 'okla': 'OK', 'oklahoma': 'OK', 'or': 'OR', 'ore': 'OR', 'oreg': 'OR', 'oregon': 'OR', 'pa': 'PA', 'palau': 'PW', 'penn': 'PA', 'pennsylvania': 'PA', 'pr': 'PR', 'puerto rico': 'PR', 'pw': 'PW', 'republic of palau': 'PW', 'republic of the marshall islands': 'MH', 'rhode island': 'RI', 'ri': 'RI', 's dak': 'SD', 'sc': 'SC', 'sd': 'SD', 'sdak': 'SD', 'south carolina': 'SC', 'south dakota': 'SD', 'tenn': 'TN', 'tennessee': 'TN', 'territory of hawaii': 'HI', 'tex': 'TX', 'texas': 'TX', 'tn': 'TN', 'tx': 'TX', 'us virgin islands': 'VI', 'usvi': 'VI', 'ut': 'UT', 'utah': 'UT', 'va': 'VA', 'vermont': 'VT', 'vi': 'VI', 'viginia': 'VA', 'virgin islands': 'VI', 'virgina': 'VA', 'virginia': 'VA', 'vt': 'VT', 'w va': 'WV', 'wa': 'WA', 'wash': 'WA', 'washington': 'WA', 'west virginia': 'WV', 'wi': 'WI', 'wis': 'WI', 'wisc': 'WI', 'wisconsin': 'WI', 'wv': 'WV', 'wva': 'WV', 'wy': 'WY', 'wyo': 'WY', 'wyoming': 'WY'}

Normalized versions of state names