Source code for

import re
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import RegexValidator
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

[docs]class NLBankAccountNumberFieldValidator(RegexValidator): """ Validation for Dutch bank accounts. Validation references: .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ default_error_messages = { 'invalid': _('Enter a valid bank account number'), 'wrong_length': _('Bank account numbers have 1 - 7, 9 or 10 digits'), } def __init__(self, regex=None, message=None, code=None): super(NLBankAccountNumberFieldValidator, self).__init__(regex='^[0-9]+$', message=self.default_error_messages['invalid']) self.no_leading_zeros_regex = re.compile('[1-9]+') def __call__(self, value): super(NLBankAccountNumberFieldValidator, self).__call__(value) # Need to check for values over the field's max length before the zero are stripped. # This check is needed to allow this validator to be used without Django's MaxLengthValidator. if len(value) > 10: raise ValidationError(self.default_error_messages['wrong_length']) # Strip the leading zeros. m =, value) if not m: raise ValidationError(self.default_error_messages['invalid']) value = value[m.start():] if len(value) != 9 and len(value) != 10 and not 1 <= len(value) <= 7: raise ValidationError(self.default_error_messages['wrong_length']) # Perform the eleven test validation on non-PostBank numbers. if len(value) == 9 or len(value) == 10: if len(value) == 9: value = "0" + value eleven_test_sum = sum([int(a) * b for a, b in zip(value, range(1, 11))]) if eleven_test_sum % 11 != 0: raise ValidationError(self.default_error_messages['invalid'])
[docs]class NLBankAccountNumberField(models.CharField): """ A Dutch bank account model field. This model field uses :class:`.NLBankAccountNumberFieldValidator` for validation. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('max_length', 10) super(NLBankAccountNumberField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Ensure that only the NLBankAccountNumberFieldValidator is set. self.validators = [NLBankAccountNumberFieldValidator()]